Monday 16 November 2015

Yoga and Meditation Retreat Perth

Restorative Yoga and Meditation Retreat

Join us for a blissful retreat!
When the last time you experienced peace and harmony inside you?
When was the last time you spent a day centering yourself back in your innate sense of peace?
You will learn to make the best connection between spirit, body and mind,
You can be with us for a Yoga, contemplation and healthy eating day.
The program will have various sessions of Yoga, breathe, movement, consciousness and personal development in forthcoming spring;
Flee yourself and associate with refreshments in upcoming weeks.


  • How to complete our week aims with easy, comfort, and its importance.
  • Breathing remedies: Pranayama is an old and proven practice that gathers power for the whole body and give energy to the organ.
  • Meditation: Rapid sessions to pure our mind.
  • Movement: Moving the body with music rhythms.
  • What to bring: A piece of paper and pen, easy wearable clothes and an aim to relax in a comfortable environment.
  • Relaxation: Regenerate the best balance of mind and body.


Spanda is a metaphysical term coming from yoga. It describes the vibration-nature of everything in the universe. Modern physics is built on the notion that everything is vibration. All our cells and atoms of everything are actually not matter, but frequency, a type of vibration. Ancient meditators of yoga, were well aware of this vibration nature of - everything. And Spanda, is the term they used to describe the fundamental vibration. Even this theory has parallels in modern science with the big bang theory that said 13, 14 billion years ago, an initial explosion, set the universe into motion as we know it, from this initial vibration, we now are experiencing the subsequent vibrations that we experience as our universe. All stemming from this primordial vibration. Now in yoga fundamental vibration didn’t happen 14 billion years ago, Because through meditation the yogis discovered that time isn’t the highest reality, time didn’t create everything, there is a reality beyond time, this is what they call the present moment. That in the present, the entire reality is created, experienced, and dissolved, to allow for the creation of the next moment. In this understanding, spanda, is the creative vibration impulse of every moment. Every moment is layered upon Spanda. 

What is spanda, what is this first vibration. Its actually a very interesting philosophy about how this first vibration came into being. We can look into this in depth in our yoga courses. But more than a philosophy as human beings, as part of this moment, we are filled with Spanda. Through meditation we can see that spanda is the very vibration of our hearts. The enthusiasm that radiates from the core of our being, as we relax into bliss or take in that deep breathe connecting to inner peace. As you may know from experience, these moments can come seldom, or maybe we never we really connect to that 100% certainty of freedom, ease, joy, bliss. For most of us we may need to begin this as a training, to quiet the mind and connect with the heart. Instead of spanda coming randomly by chance, we can train to fill our lives, with the bliss of the heart.
Spanda is a word that has come from the ancient Yogic systems of India. In describes how everything in the universe is actually Vibration. As part of the universe, human beings we are also filled with Spanda, and it is felt as a tremor of enthusiasm in our hearts. That feeling of aliveness, that radiates from within, in special moments, are our most intimate and direct connection to our universal nature:).

Visit for more info

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